Inspiring Australia Queensland Grants

Inspiring Australia Queensland Grants

Grants are awarded in one of the following categories:

  1. Targeted Science Communication. By invitation. Please email for details.
  2. Regional STEM hubs or clubs. EOIs now open. Please email for details.
  3. Annual Inspiring Australia Queensland Ambassador Award/s. EOIs open in September 2024.
  4. National Science Week 2024

The countdown is on to Australia’s Annual celebration of all things STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)!

Congratulations to the four National Grant recipients for Queensland:

Sustainable Futures: Integrating Tradition and Modern Science in the Strait
The Torres Strait community will join an event spotlighting sustainable agriculture, blending traditional Torres Strait Islander practices with contemporary scientific approaches through hands-on workshops and educational tours of Torres Strait Kaziw Meta’s food gardens.

The Sound of Symmetry 
Discover the sound of symmetry at joint lecture-concerts in Brisbane and regional Queensland. These events will introduce audiences to various types of symmetry that are central to maths and physics through music, with composer Rob Davidson, mathematician Artem Pulemotov, musicologist Denis Collins, and the award-winning Brisbane ensemble Topology.

From pixels to pills – why we should be 3D printing medicines
Design and print your own tablets. Find out about 3D printing and how it could be used to produce better pills through a series of activities leading up to a public event.

Species Survival on Quandamooka Country – a Community Event (Minjerribah) 
Quandamooka (Moreton Bay) is a globally significant seascape with outstanding social, cultural and natural assets. UQ’s Moreton Bay Research Station will host an Open Day (Sat 10 Aug) with opportunities to learn about biodiversity from Indigenous Elders and UQ scientists. A special panel discussion at the Stradbroke Island Brewery (Sat 18 Aug) will be hosted by the Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science.

And big congratulations to our Queensland Seed Grant recipients (full details will be available soon via events link below and/or program websites):

Robotics and Coding (Little Alphas, Robina)

Professor Tech’s Intro to Awesome (Virtual Reality at the National Science Week Launch, Cloncurry)

Future Science Talks – Comedy Edition (Cairns, Townsville, Gold Coast)

iLaunch Space Family Fun Day (Toowoomba)

iLaunch Space Family Fun Day (Springfield)

SoapBox Science (Queensland Museum Kurilpa)

Playmatters (Townsville)

We’re looking forward to another STEM-tastic celebration in August with lots of events in Queensland. You can find the details via the National Website and locally via the Inspiring Australia Queensland website.

There are lots of ways to get involved – register now to host a Brain Break morning tea at your home or office!