Citizen Science

What is Citizen Science?

The Australian Citizen Science Association defines citizen science as: public participation and collaboration in scientific research with the aim to increase scientific knowledge.

Citizen science is a flexible concept which can be adapted and applied within diverse situations and disciplines. Yet, there are key principles which as a community we believe underlie good practice in citizen science. In an effort to develop consistent and shared approach, the Australian Citizen Science Association has adapted and adopted, in consultation with our Members, the European Citizen Science Associations Ten Principles of Citizen Science. The principles listed above are our working principles, and it is anticipated they will be reviewed annually.

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Online Teacher Toolkit

Citizen Science in the Classroom and beyond

To assist teachers and others to incorporate citizen science in the classroom, the Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist has developed an online teacher toolkit.

With assistance from the Queensland Chapter of the Australian Citizen Science Association and NaturePlay Queensland, the web pages provide resources and links to teacher guides, lesson plans and other material developed by citizen science groups.

There is a searchable list of citizen science school teacher resources based on topic or year level, guidance on how to connect with a citizen science group as well as how to conduct a school bioblitz.

Learn more

Follow these handy links to access teacher guides, lesson plans and other material!

University of the Third Age - Brisbane

U3A is the University of the Third Age, which is the age of active retirement, coming after the age of working life and home making. University is a loose term – there are no academic requirements for membership and no exams.

U3A is a worldwide self-help organisation promoting learning for personal enjoyment and wellbeing. Keeping the brain active, doing interesting things and making new friends are essential for helping older people to maximise their chances of independence, and this is what U3A does very effectively. U3A is making a very substantial contribution to society by helping its members to remain healthy and active for longer. 

QuestaGame - Guardians of the Earth

Empowering you to connect with nature, discover your place in the world, and contribute to the restoration of our natural environment
Discover how you can make a difference in your own backyard!

Citizen Science Interviews

Join our Citizen Science reporter Jennifer Livingston – local artist, designer and avid nature enthusiast – to explore the wonders of backyard science and meet the extraordinary people behind these labours of love.


Sandra Tuszynska is absolutely bonkers about fungi and why wouldn’t you be?!
It’s estimated there’s a smashing 250,000 fungal species in Australia alone.
They compost organic matter, cure disease, sequest carbon,…and sometimes even glow in the dark!

Join Citizen Science reporter Sally McRae on the edge of Woodfordia’s forest to discover the secret life of fungi with soil microbiologist and Mycology expert, Sandra Tuszynska. Get involved here.


What Michael Fox doesn’t know about vegetation and wildlife on Mt Gravatt Conservation Reserve – isn’t worth knowing!
An inspirational bush walk with Michael uncovers edible roots, the lives of solitary bees and his plight to protect our koala population.
Pull on your virtual hiking boots and tune in to discover the incredible work being done by Michael and his Citizen Science colleagues to conserve and bring back the birds, the bees and the butterflies to suburbia.

Find out more here.


Cori and Nick are what make Citizen Science tick! Two passionate individuals with diverse backgrounds working together for a common cause.
Their passion and commitment leads a group of local volunteers to keep Bartley’s Hill Reserve clean, green and sustainable for all to enjoy.
What was once a weed infested patch of bush – is now teeming with native plants and wildlife.

Citizen Science Reporter Jennifer Livingston uncovers the before, the after and the in between of one of Brisbane’s most dedicated Northern Habitat Groups. Find out more here.

Feedback from educators welcome