Illumin8 Module 5.2: Environmental Engineering

Illumin8 Module 5.2: Environmental Engineering

This session explores the varied roles and career directions for environmental engineers.

This week’s challenge requires teams to create an oil spill containment and collection device out of the materials provided. Students consider the impact of oil spills on the environment and learn about current methods for containment, clean up and removal.

This session would be a fantastic opportunity to invite along a guest speaker from an engineering field – this could act as a substitute to or complement the career exploration activity.
Some places to enquire about guest speakers are: Engineers Australia, City Councils, Engineering firms and Universities. The engineer may be able to stay and engage in the Challenge activities and assist with testing and scoring. Ensure “Working With Children Checks” are in cleared for any session guests (systems vary in each state of Australia).

The Illumin8 Resources are aimed at 9 – 12 year olds.

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